Let LOVE Reign!

Love must take the rightful place as the supreme of everything in my life.

I know that February was the ‘month for love’ with Valentine’s Day being the focus of amorous feelings.  But I am not talking about just the feelings of love, I am talking about real, deep abiding, unconditional love!

I know that this unconditional love thing may be difficult, but I must do it!  My life depends on me loving myself and others, without conditions, without holding onto hurts or disappointments.  I must do it in order to make my dreams a reality.  You see, if I don’t love, then I end up wallowing in un-forgiveness.  I will focus on the bad instead of the good.  And pretty soon, my life will be consumed with negatives.  I will be stuck in a rut with no clue as to how I got there or how I can get out.

So now I declare to love, love, love!  I will be unselfish and always giving of love.  The more that I love, the more love I will receive!

Love never fails!